Partnership Goals & Objectives
The goal of the 6-year Partnership, “Solving the Sustainability Challenges at the Food-Climate-Biodiversity Nexus” (Solving-FCB), is to support and facilitate the development of viable FCB solutions that explicitly consider their complex social and ecological contexts. The Solving-FCB Partnership brings together world-leading scholars and practitioners from academic institutes, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, and government agencies to undertake transdisciplinary research that examines policies and human actions at the intersection of achieving food security, climate mitigation and biodiversity conservation goals.
Case Studies
The Partnership is grounded on five case studies that focus on FCB challenges under a range of societal and environmental contexts. Through case studies in Canada, China, Costa Rica, Ghana/Nigeria and the Netherlands, the Partnership aims to elucidate specific policy-related questions under different decision-making contexts. Although independent of each other, the case studies align in their common exploration of visions and pathways to achieve FCB goals.
Latest News
William Cheung wins A.G. Huntsman Award
The A.G. Huntsman Foundation is pleased to announce that the 2024 A.G. Huntsman Medal will be awarded to Dr. William Cheung.
Inception Workshop for the Solving-FCB Ghana Project
The Ghana Inception Workshop of the Solving-FCB Project was held on 24th September, 2024 at the ACECoR Multipurpose Building, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
IOF Seminar – Solving the Sustainability Challenges to Achieve Desirable Ocean Futures at the FCB Nexus
This IOF Seminar was held at the Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory at the University of British Columbia on September 13, 2024.