What if if the path to a more prosperous and sustainable future involved providing financial support to everyone? To some this may initially sound provocative, but this idea lies at the heart of recent research that has sparked conversations among economists and environmentalists worldwide. The study, led by Solving-FCB’s Dr. Rashid Sumaila (other contributors from the Solving-FCB Partnership include Dr. Colette Wabnitz, Dr. Louise Teh, Dr. Lydia Teh, Solving-FCB PI Dr. William Cheung, and Dr. Ibrahim Issifu), suggests implementing a universal basic income funded through a carbon tax, specifically targeting carbon emissions.

Dr. Sumaila has been thinking about this for some time. In his interview with TIME in March of 2023, he stated: “I’ve also started thinking about universal basic income in the world. There’s money to do this, it’s just that we’re afraid to tax anybody these days. If we can implement a universal basic income, it will free the world to do what we need to do”. Fast-forward a year, a paper, and this idea is picking up significant traction, and media attention – listed below.
Sumaila, U. R., Wabnitz, C. C. C., Teh, L. S. L., Teh, L. C. L., Lam, V. W. Y., Sumaila, H., Cheung, W. W. L., Issifu, I., Hopewell, K., Cinner, J. E., Bennett, N. J., Folke, C., Gulati, S., & Polasky, S. (2024). Utilizing basic income to create a sustainable, poverty-free tomorrow. In Cell Reports Sustainability (p. 100104). Elsevier BV. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crsus.2024.100104
Media Coverage for this paper
- June 19. Basic income could solve global poverty and stop environmental destruction, study finds. Stockholm Resilience Centre.
- June 17. A basic solution for poverty? Cochrane Eagle.
- June 16. A basic solution for poverty? St. Albert Gazette.
- June 14. B.C. study argues for global basic income, despite opposition. Today in BC
- June 14. B.C. study argues for global basic income, despite opposition. Surrey Now-Leader
- June 14. B.C. study argues for global basic income, despite opposition. Nanaimo News Bulletin
- June 14. B.C. study argues for global basic income, despite opposition. Victoria News
- June 14. B.C. study argues for global basic income, despite opposition. Chilliwack Progress
- June 14. B.C. study argues for global basic income, despite opposition. Abbotsford News
- June 14. B.C. study argues for global basic income, despite opposition. Haida Gwaii Observer
- June 14. B.C. study argues for global basic income, despite opposition. Mission City Record
- June 14. B.C. study argues for global basic income, despite opposition. Campbell River Mirror
- June 14. B.C. study argues for global basic income, despite opposition. Langley Advance Times
- June 14. Universal Basic Income Could Double World’s GDP And Slash Emissions. Science Alert.
- June 13. Some Kind of Carbon Tax Is Coming to America, Like It or Not. Bloomberg.
- June 13. A UBI or universal basic income could alleviate poverty while reducing environmental harm, according to a new study out of the University of British Columbia. The Goose (TikTok|Instagram)
- June 12. Basic income benefits tallied. HRCareer.
- June 12. UBC study says basic income could solve global poverty and fight climate change. All Points West with Jason D’Souza/CBC Listen.
- June 11. Universal Basic Income Could Double Global GDP While Cutting Carbon Emissions. ZME Science.
- June 10. UBC study finds basic income could solve global poverty and stop environmental destruction. Is it time for Canada to have a basic income policy? The Morning Buzz on Spice Radio/Apple Podcasts.
- June 10. Universal Basic Income Could Double Global GDP While Cutting Carbon Emissions | This plan promises to double global GDP and significantly cut carbon emissions, presenting a dual solution to economic inequality and environmental degradation. /r/Futurology on Reddit.
- June 9. Universal Basic Income Leads to a 100% Increase in Global GDP and Decreases Carbon Emissions. Tame the Machine.
- June 9. Here’s an idea: a worldwide universal basic income paid for by a carbon tax. A study found that it could boost the global GDP by 130%. MSN.com
- June 9. Universal basic income can double global GDP while combatting climate change. Brighter Side of News.
- June 9. Here’s an idea: a worldwide universal basic income paid for by a carbon tax. A study found that it could boost the global GDP by 130%. BusinessInsider Africa.
- June 9. Here’s an idea: a worldwide universal basic income paid for by a carbon tax. A study found that it could boost the global GDP by 130%. BusinessInsider India.
- June 8. Universal Basic Income Leads to a 100% Increase in Global GDP and Decreases Carbon Emissions. Globe Echo.
- June 8. Should Canada have a universal basic income? Castanet.
- June 7. Universal basic income can also reduce CO2 emissions. Fundacion Empresa & Clima.
- June 7. La renta básica universal también puede reducir las emisiones de CO2. Diario Estrategia.
- June 7. Basic income can double global GDP while reducing carbon emissions. EurekAlert!
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. Business Intelligence for B.C.
- June 7. Universal Basic Income Could Boost Global GDP by 130%, Study Finds. ScienceBlog.
- June 7. Basic income could solve global poverty and stop environmental destruction, study finds. UBC Science.
- June 7. New win-win money deal would increase GDP and cut emissions. Innovators Mag.
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. New West Record.
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. The Prince George Citizen
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. Times Colonist
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. Business in Vancouver (BIV)
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. North Shore News
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. Vancouver is Awesome
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. New Westminster Record
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. Squamish Chief
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. Richmond News
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. Pique News Magazine
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. Burnaby Now
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. Tri-City News
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. Delta Optimist
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. Powell River Peak
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. Sechelt / Gibsons Coast Reporter
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. Bowen Island Undercurrent
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. Castanet News
- June 7. Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study. Castanet Kamloops.
- June 7. Basic income could solve global poverty and stop environmental destruction, study finds. UBC Oceans.
- June 7. Basic income could solve global poverty and stop environmental destruction, study finds. SolvingFCB.org.
- June 7. Basic income could solve global poverty and stop environmental destruction, study finds. FERU.