Dr. Temitope Sogbanmu on the Co-Creation of Knowledge, Pollutant Management, and West Africa Fisheries
This article examines how Dr. Temitope Sogbanmu is co-creating solutions with stakeholders, addressing IUU fishing, microplastics, and climate impacts, while championing Indigenous knowledge to promote sustainable fisheries and inclusive climate diplomacy.
The Gulf of Nicoya, Illegal Fishing, and the Branch of Science at the Centre of Everything
This article examines declining fish stocks in Costa Rica’s Gulf of Nicoya, highlighting climate impacts, overfishing, and community efforts toward sustainable ecological and economic solutions.
Making the case for gender-inclusive fisheries governance, policies and climate adaptation
This paper highlights how women are disproportionately affected by climate change impacts and excluded from fisheries governance, despite their significant contributions.
The Ubyssey: William Cheung is confronting the inequities of ocean conservation through collective action
Solving-FCB’s Principal Investigator Dr. William Cheung is the focus of an article by The Ubyssey. The article details Dr Cheung’s career, achievements, and current work, including Solving the Sustainability Challenges…
Solving-FCB Co-PIs among Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researchers
Solving-FCB Principal Investigators Drs. William Cheung and Rashid Sumaila have been listed among the most highly cited investigators worldwide in 2024 by Clarivate Analytics.
How mariculture can help save our oceans
Article by Duncan Murray and Dr. Yue Liu. Around the planet, nearshore regions play a vital role in supporting local communities’ economic and cultural well-being. However, a confluence of various…
Dr. Berchie Asiedu visits Dr. Ling Cao at Xiamen University
As part of the Solving-FCB project, Dr. Berchie Asiedu paid a working visit to Dr. Ling Cao at the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Science (Xiamen University). The visit took…
Op-Ed: If we have to ditch the carbon tax, subsidies are the way to go
Given the political resistance to carbon taxes in Canada, strategically designed subsidies for low-carbon technologies and behaviors may be a more feasible policy alternative to address climate change.
Solving-FCB Q4 ’24 Meeting Update
On the 5th of November 2024, many project members met on Zoom to catch up and share our activities since the last meeting. These are updates from the meeting.
William Cheung wins A.G. Huntsman Award
The A.G. Huntsman Foundation is pleased to announce that the 2024 A.G. Huntsman Medal will be awarded to Dr. William Cheung.
Inception Workshop for the Solving-FCB Ghana Project
The Ghana Inception Workshop of the Solving-FCB Project was held on 24th September, 2024 at the ACECoR Multipurpose Building, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
IOF Seminar – Solving the Sustainability Challenges to Achieve Desirable Ocean Futures at the FCB Nexus
This IOF Seminar was held at the Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory at the University of British Columbia on September 13, 2024.