Dr. Juliano Palacios Abrantes

Home » People » Dr. Juliano Palacios Abrantes
  • Affiliations: Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, The University of British Columbia
  • Core work interests related to Solving FCB: Improving fisheries management and marine conservation under climate change
  • Topics of interest: Transboundary fisheries management under climate change and marine conservation under climate change. I am also interested in the Latin American region.
  • Role in Solving FCB: He is a postdoctoral fellow part of the ECR groups.

Juliano’s work looks at how climate change is shifting the distribution of marine species generating uncertain feedbacks on marine ecosystems and dependent fishing communities. Specifically, he looks at how such shifts affect shared stocks (e.g., stocks that are shared between neighbouring states) threatening the sustainability of marine resources and accentuating sources of conflict. His work spans from global to local studies highlighting the need for adaptive, collaborative, equitable and ecosystem- based management strategies. Born in Brazil and raised in Mexico, he has a special interest in supporting ocean governance in the Latin American region.