Project Timeline

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This is the timeline from the original project proposal. An updated timeline will be available shortly.

Year 1: An inception meeting involving all the Partnership’s members will be organized to initiate case studies by developing detailed project plans. Students, emerging scholars and staff will be recruited, and governance committees will be formed. Partnership websites, social media, and the use of project management tools will also be established. Complete
Year 2: Each case study will have conducted at least one participatory workshop and visions of ‘desirable’ FCB futures will have been identified. Preliminary decision support framework for each case study will also be developed, while the information that is needed from integrated modelling and ways to provide them will be identified.  In progress
Year 3: the Partnership will meet to take stock on the progress and achievements of the Partnership and renew project plans. In progress
Year 4-5: scenarios and alternative pathways towards the identified ‘desirable’ futures for each case study will have been identified. Case study decision support frameworks will have been completed and applied to explore benefits, trade-offs and consequences informed by qualitative and/or quantitative integrated modelling. 2025-2026
Year 6: we will summarize key findings and reflect on questions and insights that emerged from our research. We will share the outcomes of the Partnership in a final conference.2026-2027